
  • This scan requires a 5-day preparation using Tagamet. Please contact our practice.
  • Cimetidine to be given to the patient 48 hours, 24 hours and immediately before the study.
  • A radio tracer (Technetium-99m) is taken up in gastric mucosa. A Meckel's diverticulum containing gastric mucosa (40 -50%) can be visualised within one hour of intravenous injection. If a Meckel's is present but does not contain gastric mucosa the scan will show no uptake. The patient must fast from midnight prior to the scan (in babies and small children omitting one feed prior to the scan will suffice).

Used to diagnose:

Whether a child has Mackels Diverticulum (causes gastro-intestinal bleeding).

Phone our practice

How to book

Patients will need to be referred to Nuclear Med by a referring doctor. Patients must select the specific scan/study required by their referring doctor and book an appointment at the most convenient location.


  • Medical aid authorisation (referring doctor to provide patient with specific ICD 10 code for medical aid authorisation)
  • Referring doctor’s name and practice number
  • Newly diagnosed oncology patients may need to register for oncology (referring doctor to facilitate registration)