White Cell Whole Body

  • No preparation for the scan is required
  • Blood is taken. White blood cells are separated out and mixed with a radioactive material (radioisotope Tc99m-HMPAO). These cells are considered "tagged"
  • The tagged white blood cells are injected into the patient 3 to 4 hours later. The tagged cells gather in areas of inflammation or infection

Used to diagnose:

Infection Inflammation in the body

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How to book

Patients will need to be referred to Nuclear Med by a referring doctor. Patients must select the specific scan/study required by their referring doctor and book an appointment at the most convenient location.


  • Medical aid authorisation (referring doctor to provide patient with specific ICD 10 code for medical aid authorisation)
  • Referring doctor’s name and practice number
  • Newly diagnosed oncology patients may need to register for oncology (referring doctor to facilitate registration)